

ByGroovy Green Jul 26, 2006

I’ve recently received a number of emails calling for me to Kick the Oil Habit by supporting E85 which is a liquid fuel made up of 85% ethanol and 15% regular gasoline.

Bobolink has the same email in his inbox starred and ready for comment, and has been wondering what to do with it.

It’s just his luck that James from the Alt-E blog took the words right out of his mouth…

Is Ethanol / E85 Fuel the Solution?

Bobolink (and Steve) think that Pocket Farm is one of the best green/local/sustainable/farming/simple living/…kitchen sink blogs out there. If you’re reading Groovy Green, you need to be reading Pocket Farm.

This post tackles frugality, and offers up some simple ways to save some dough:

Making pennies squeak since 1998

Anyway, I learned alot about what is called ‘voluntary simplicity’ or ‘frugality’ or ‘tightwadding’ about eight years ago and at the time devoured just about every book on the subject. I don’t own any of them, having used the inter-library loan system, but if I had one of those books lying around, I could probably open it up and find a list of things the average person can do to live a more frugal life. Since I don’t, I thought I’d make a list of things that we did to put more money in our bank account (where it belongs). They’re all simple suggestions for anyone who is looking to cut back on the flow of money that makes it’s way out the door each month.

If you’re look for ways to save some water (in South Jersey that’s pronounced wutter), checkout EcoStreet’s post:

Washing dishes by hand wastes water

with many other great ideas for conservation. Including it seems, “dropping a hippo in your cistern” (no it’s not dirty…heh heh)

As always, feel free to drop your own links in the comments.
