Author Archive John Nightingale

The Ultimate Guide to Reducing Water Waste in Your Home

ByJohn Nightingale Nov 13, 2024

I’m John of Plumb It Right. I have been a plumber for over 38 years. After all those years working around Perth, I have realised that even minor changes can lead to significant impact in terms of water conservation.

So, if you’re planning to lower down your bill, minimise water waste, or perhaps, you just want to contribute to the environment, then here’s your guide.

Below, I’ll list down some simple and cost-effective ways to reduce water waste in your home.

  1. Immediately Fix Leaks

You might think that a tap that’s dripping is no big deal. But over time, these drips will accumulate, and you’ll end up wasting thousands of litres of water! I have personally encountered houses that are losing a lot of money by simply ignoring these minor issues.

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