Bottled Water Becomes More Fabulous. And Dumb.

Bottled Water Becomes More Fabulous. And Dumb.

ByGroovy Green Feb 13, 2008

We all know how down-right silly bottled water is. In today’s day and age, with some of the best municipal water infrastructures ever created, we still feel the urge to purchase and lug around “purified” water sourced from a luxurious aquifer, taken to a warehouse, bottled, and shipped to your grocery store. Meanwhile, that water fountain to you right is somehow frowned upon.

Well, unfortunately, bottled water continues its evolution and manufacturers are coming up with more and more creative ways to make you “desire” the privilege to drink their products. Take for instance this latest “designer bottle” for Fine Japon. Here’s what they were looking for:

When water bottlers Fine Japon decided to offer up a new bottle design, they recruited one of the heavy hitters of industrial design and packaging, Karim Rashid. Impressed by his work with luxury designer fragrance brands like Issey Miyake, Kenzo and Prada, Fine Japon was set on creating an inspired marriage of design, functionality and product. After two years of collaboration, they have finally launched their limited edition final bottle design.

There ya have it. A limited-edition version of bottled water; which probably costs as much as a decent glass of wine. My, oh my.
